Franchise Opportunities

Local store (Macao Anew Pokerland) TM - starting at $198,800.

We offers a couple In-House-Financing options Starting at 10% non-refundable Down Payments (used for Lawyers fee) instalments with No Interest for 30 months, Email us for a Confidential no-obligation appointment...

Regional Sole Agent and/or National Sole Agent etc. are Available...


Local Rep. / LLP (investment) is also available - Starting at $999. a unit (No Referral)...

  • National LLP, Provincial and Local non-gambling Franchise-Opportunity : the only establishment has the Exclusive rights of playing Our Patented Macao Anew Poker Game beside Casinos...

  • National, Provincial and Local business(for casinos only) franchise-rights...

  • We will not Organised tournament. We reserved the electronic versions. We withhold on-line rights for individuals in order to counter loneliness. Stop staring at the screen...


Franchise Opportunities - Macao Anew Pokerland / Partnership(including local representative) etc...

Any Serious enquiries and about the interest-free-instalments Options. Please emailed us your resume and / or your business proposals to Macao Anew Pokerland : or 2/f., 7404 King George Blvd. Surrey, BC. V3W1N6 - 780-434-3434

* : for the First Student Member, you can be our local representative in your neighbourhood + you have to buy one(1)MAK System share - the purchase price is $999.(10% of your commission is used for the purchase of the one(1)share - within the next thirty(30)months.) The sooner your commission reaches $999. the sooner you receive your regular thirty five(35%)commission( be the Judge of the examination and tournaments. No commission for the membership fee)...

    *First Name:

    *Last Name:



    Do you live alone : YesNo

    Any Allergy :

    Emergency Phone Number :

    Postal Code :


    Limitations :

    If you want more detail information, please go to nearest location near you.

    Codes Of Conduct

    All persons will be protective of the safety, well-being and good will of the students, members, visitors,staff and the company as a whole. All persons will be refrain from participating in any action that disrupts or disturbs the safety, morale,efficiency or normal operations of the company. All persons will conduct themselves in a respectful manner when dealing with staff, members, students and /or visitors. Physical attacks,verbal attacks, sexual harassment, racial and /or any discrimination will not be tolerated and will be grounded for immediate dismissal or expulsion in accordance with the Bylaws of the Macao Anew Pokerland. Use of materials, photos, electronic and /or social media for attacks or slander, in any form to anyone in the company will not be tolerated and will be grounded for immediate dismissal or expulsion in accordance with the Bylaws. For visitors and /or non-members, violating of any of the above rules result in the suspension of access to the company. In the case of any violations above, depending on the seriousness of the offence, also at the discretion of the manager and /or Board of Directors, report of the offence may be made to authorities external to the company.


    • 參加比賽者須25歲或以上,可代表相熟的公司比賽及
    • 有興趣學習這個新遊戲者,九佰六十個參賽選手須在六月八日前交50元或以上註冊費。
    • 時間:逢星期一至四晚上七時後
    • 地點:在各指定的商場、酒吧及飯店内比賽。
    • 最後四名選手均有奬品及奬牌
    • 殿軍將獲得2%或發還註冊費
    • 其他的収入除支付獎金、獎牌、小紀念品及廣告外其他的收入將捐贈給 Affordable Housing會。
    • 總冠軍將獲得津貼來回澳門的交通費。(需在九月中代表加拿大到澳門比賽)

    To commemorate the Patent anniversary of Macao Anew poker game, Macao Anew Pokerland is hosting the First Macao Anew 13cards (like Chinese/Russian Poker 13 張) competition...

    This is a non-gambling race using the Macao Anew Poker 101 game board. All competitions should be over 25 years old, can represent a business and the $30.registration fee should be paid before the competition.
    • Time : 7pm, Monday to Thursday
    • Place : in all participating businesses, The third-runner-up will get 2% or the registration fee return.
    • The champion will represent Canada to compete in Macao and will have the returned tickets from Edmonton to Macao in September.
    有意參加者請致 寄回郵信封
    及聯絡電話號碼到澳門新穎撲克樂園 Game coordinator, 22037 Pollard Meadows, Edm. T6L 0A1