How to play(the Texas Anew Poker / Omaha Anew Poker) :

The following are Some Examples To The Anew-Way of Dealing...

1. The Differences between Texas Anew Poker and Omaha Anew Poker :
  • Every player gets four cards in Omaha Anew Poker (instead of two in Texas Anew Poker)
  • You MUST use two of them to make your best poker hand...
2. How to Win a Hand

Omaha is a community-card game played with two to ten players on one table. You win chips by winning a pot and you win a pot in one of two ways:

  1. All the other players fold their hands, making you the only player left in winning the pot.
  2. You have the best hand at the showdown and win...
3. Draw for a Dealer

When you have 2-10 players at the table, each with a stack of chips, you're ready to start. The first thing you need to do is draw the high card for a dealer.

Deal every player one card face up. The player with the highest ranked card (Aces are high) will start as the game's dealer. (Poker suit ordering is alphabetic from worst to best: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades)

4. Put Out the Dealer Button

When you have a dealer, give that player the dealer button (typically a white disk) used to keep track of the current dealer in the hand. This player needs to shuffle up the cards and prepare to deal the first hand.

5. Put Out the Blinds

Before the cards are dealt in any hand the two players to the left of the dealer need to put out the blinds. The player directly to the left of the dealer puts out the "small" blind and the player to the left of the small blind puts out the "big" blind.
Eg. small blind is 5c, big blind is 10c.

6. Deal the Flop

Once the preflop betting round is concluded the flop is dealt. In a community-card came such as Omaha, there will be five community cards total for any hand reaching a showdown. The flop is the first three of the five cards dealt.
The dealer discards the top card on the deck face down (this is called the burn card) and then deals three cards face up in the middle of the table.

7. Start the First Betting Round

Once the last card is dealt and every player has four cards face down, you are now in the first betting round known as "posflop." A betting round ends when two conditions are met:

  • All players have had a chance to act.
  • All players who haven't folded have bet the same amount of money for the round.

In poker only one player can act at a time, starting at the player to the left of the big blind. This player has three options:

  • Fold: Can pay nothing to the pot, throw away his or her cards and wait for the next deal to play again.
  • Call: Can match the amount of the big blind.
  • Raise: Can raise the bet by at least doubling the amount of the big blind. A player may raise more depending on the betting style you are playing.
8. Continue the Action Clockwise

Once the player to the left of the big blind acts, the action moves clockwise around the table. Each player has the same options: fold, call or raise.
The amount of a call or raise is always dependant on the size of the last bet made.
For example, for the first player to call he or she needs to match the size of the big blind. If he or she raises it has to be double the big blind. If ther is a raise the next player has to add the full amount of the big blind + the raise to call.

9. Big Blind is Last to Act after Flop

When the action gets back to the small blind he or she can fold, call or raise just like everyone else. If a raise has been made to 50¢ and the small blind has already paid 5¢, he or she only needs to add 45¢ to call. If there has been no raise and the current bet is still the same as the original big blind of 10¢, the big blind can check and continue in the hand. If a rasie has come in he or she needs to add the amount less the original 10¢. Once everyone has had a chance to act and everyone still with a hand has the same amount of money wagered, the pre-flop betting round is over.

All Macao Anew Poker School Student member (Free student membership join before September 2020)-Graduate have to win one Anew 13cards 101 Game in front of our Macao Anew Poker game-coordinator/local representative...

Knowledge of Texas Anew Poker, Omaha Anew Poker or any other types of poker games helps...

For Student Members/player (Prerequisite(s): all graduates need needs to know the rules and win at least 1-101 game in front of our representatives to graduate... )

Player Needs to Practice himself & to passed all the cards-arrangements-tests and won at least one 101-game in their front of the Macao Anew Poker game Assistant...

For All Anew Poker School Graduated Members/Professional Members Players will be taught...